Categories Fitness

Make a Cheap DIY Treadmill Laptop Desk

Is writing or working at home making you fat? Sorry. Ok, maybe your just getting really out of shape like I have. I needed a way to get my exercise in during my busy day and work schedule. I found that there is a way to lose weight and work at home at the same time.

I sit across the room looking at my treadmill gathering dust every day. I say to myself I am going to get up and use it and get back into an exercise routine. I haven’t used my treadmill very much in the last six months. I always get side tracked with my kids, writing, researching and online work. I have gained 13 pounds in the last few months. Not good. This morning I decided to try to combine a way to exercise and work too.

I have heard of a walkstation but it cost’s $4000 or more. Sorry, but that’s out of my budget. Anyone can make a walkstation or treadmill desk of their own with just a few items, I did. I purchased my electric treadmill about 2 years ago at Wal-mart on clearance for about $200 and never really gave much thought to adapting it to the work I do.

To make my treadmill desk I ventured outside after getting the kids off to school and found a board. Nothing fancy, it was a little longer than I wanted but for the moment it would do. It was just a piece of chipboard my husband had left on the ground after one of his projects.

I put the board across my treadmill arms. I sat my laptop on the board and I could then see how my idea could actually work. I found some string and tied each side of the board around the back base of my treadmill. It was stable and my laptop was safe from falling off.

I set the speed at a decent walking level and tried out my new, makeshift treadmill desk. I actually got work done, checked email, updated my website, did research and started writing this article. When I was done I had walked steadily at a brisk pace for 63 minutes without even realizing it. I was so busy working that I wasn’t looking at the treadmill monitor. Usually when I exercise on my treadmill I focus on the time and don’t go past the 30 minute mark.

I knew that I could improve on my homemade treadmill desk so I started doing some research. So much for my million dollar idea I found many great ideas and instructions for cheap homemade treadmill desks. All I had to do was do a search in Google for “homemade treadmill desk” and find the type you would like to make. I am going to improve my treadmill desk with some of the great ideas I found on the web.

Now I have a personalized treadmill with a desk much like the expensive models. I can work and exercise all day long if I want too and I saved almost $4000. No more procrastinating but I could kick myself for not thinking of this sooner.